@ Cal State LA
BIOL 1100 - Cellular Basis of Life
The flow of energy and information through biological systems from micro- to macro-scales. Cellular structure and function across the domains of life, metabolism, Mendelian genetics, and genetic information flow.
BIOL 1200 - Diversity of Life
Introduction to the ecology, evolution, and diversity of life; structure and function, reproduction, and energy metabolism in plants, animals, and fungi.
BIOL 3600 - Functional Biology
Students will explore organismal diversity, with particular focus on how eukaryotes’ form and function evolved to fill ecological niches. Their global impact on humans and to other organisms and the environments with which they interact will also be examined.
BIOL 4330 - Integrative Human Physiology I
This course takes a systems approach and covers the function of the mammalian nervous, muscle, and endocrine systems. This is an upper-division course for physiology students interested in progressing to professional (medical, dental, pharmacy, etc.) or graduate (Ph.D., MS) school programs.
BIOL 4340 - Integrative Human Physiology II
This course follows BIOL 4330, exploring human physiology in a laboratory setting. Students will conduct weekly lab experiments and submit detailed reports in order to fully investigate specific aspects of human physiology.
BIOL 5200 - Professional Writing in Life Sciences
Scientific method, preparation of a prospectus, writing scientific manuscripts, grantsmanship, peer review, and presentation techniques.